Monday, June 8, 2009

Thank God for Husband Engineers!

There is something about math that pisses me off.
No matter how hard I try to stay calm, eventually the frustration of finding the "correct answer" in a timely matter gets to me. Key words in the previous sentence is of course, timely matter.
My husband recently discovered this trait before I did. For some reason, if I feel like I am not making progress fast enough, I get mad. I need to learn extreme meditation secrets to help me succeed with math.
Here is one problem I do know the answer to:
Math makes me cry. Math makes me cry because when I get mad I cry and math makes me mad.
So if Math=Cry, Cry=Mad, then Math=Mad.
Thank God for a certain wonderful engineer that makes me calm down and learn. Without him Math=impossible.
Thanks! :)

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