Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Month

It is now my favorite time of year, it's October.
I anticipate October all year.
October returns the cool breeze.
That cool breeze works wonders on trees.
October brings perfect weather to throw balls with the dogs.
My dogs love October.
My hair even enjoys the break in humidity.
October allows me to pull out comfortable sweat-shirts and flannel pj's.
The leaves start to fall.
The smell of burning leaves can inspire a pure second of complete happiness by making me concentrate on the beauty around me instead of what I need to accomplish next.
October allows me to become a year older.
The closing of my personal year, brings reflection, and gratefulness.
I begin to think about the "holidays".
Holidays = family time.
Family time = love.
October is prime-time football month.
Football is full of emotion and devotion.
October loves me and I love October.

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